SEND is Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
If you don’t learn in the same way, or at the same speed as other people, you might have SEN.

Disabilities can be physical, like not being able to walk. They can be sensory, like having a hearing or sight impairment. Some disabilities are invisible, like epilepsy, autism, cystic fibrosis, or mental health issues.

Some people have both SEN and D (Special Educational Needs and a Disability). Whichever, you may need extra help to get on with your life. That could be support in the classroom, at college, or starting work. It might be using a wheelchair to get around, having a BSL interpreter, or having a large screen when using a computer.

What is Send

What is the Lambeth SEND Local Offer?

If you have SEND and want to get some support, the Local Offer is all the information you need to get help in Lambeth.

You can find out about education, training, and work, staying healthy, getting around and having fun.

You can find out who should be helping you, where to go get help, and how to help yourself. The Local Offer is there to help you make the best decisions. It’s about helping you to prepare for adult life.

For more enquires contact inclusiveemployment@lambeth.gov.uk
LIASSIf you want to get some free and confidential information and advice about education, health and social care, you can also use the Lambeth Information, Advice and Support Service
Lambeth Made Youth Promise

The Youth Promise

The Lambeth Made Youth Promise is the new way to get information and advice on education, training and finding work in Lambeth. Friendly advisors help you explore your options and make a career plan. It’s for everyone in Lambeth aged between 16 and 25. If you have SEND, they will make sure you get the extra help you need.

Check out the Youth Promise web page to find out more.

Or contact Youthpromise@lambeth.gov.uk or call on 020 7926 0500

SEND Youth Forum

All children and young people must have a say about the services they need and the place where they live. It’s the law. 

Lambeth wants to hear the voices of children and young people with SEND. We are working to make sure there are many ways for you to tell us what you want to say. 

We want you to help make sure: 

  • Young people with SEND get a chance to make changes to Lambeth and their community
  • The services on offer are the right ones and meet your needs
  • The voices of young people with SEND are heard in all youth forums 

We’ll be reaching out through schools, colleges and other places where young people go. Look out for your chance to have your say.